PARnet distributes educational materials to help PA patients, caregivers, physicians and researchers better understand each other's needs and to advocate for more individuals to pursue studies in metabolic disorders such as PA. Please take a look at our publications and distribute them freely to anyone you feel may benefit from this information. If you intend to do a large mailing, please inform PARnet of your efforts so we may thank you!
Information, Projects and Fundraising
PARnet Fundraising/Informational Brochure
click image to download
PA Pathophysiology, Gene Therapy, Enzyme Studies
The current state of treating PA by Dr. Mendel Tuchman
Forward by Dr. James Leonard
Interested in Hosting a Fundraiser to cure PA? Please contact us at for ideas and information that will help you launch a successful event! There are numerous ways to raise funds that do not take a burdensome amount of time, and will help further PA research.
Please join us in our mission to support translational research studies!